Driving Miss Daisy Didcot
48 Wantage Rd, Didcot OX11 0BT, UK
Zororo Mubaya and Terence Kavuru, a caring husband-and-wife team, established their assisted transport and companion service on Wantage Road, Didcot, in July 2019.
They have a strong background in the care sector and a natural passion for helping people. They aim to lend a hand to anyone who needs it, regardless of age. Drawing from their experience and transferable skills, they offer clients the transport and companionship that Driving Miss Daisy provides. As they say, “Driving Miss Daisy are ‘family when family can’t be there'”.
Zororo and Terence love their work, which is different every day, and they take great pleasure in helping and conversing with people from all walks of life.
We recently purchased two people carriers (minibuses) which now makes our total number of vehicles an impressive seven! These latest additions mean we can transport multiple people for days out or events, making it more efficient and fun! Our minibuses can accommodate wheelchairs (up to two in one vehicle) and five additional passengers.
We hope these multi-passenger vehicles will make a fundamental difference to clients who enjoy group activities and care homes who may not have access to their vehicles and struggle to offer residents group days out easily.
We'd love to help
Get in touch with us today!
0333 014 6211 -
Ameiva House, Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth PO3 5QP, UK -
We'd love to help
Below you can see the necessary information if you like to contact us.
+44 333 014 6211 -
Ameiva House, Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth PO3 5QP, United Kingdom -